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Nikki Emerton and Laura Shipp's journeys began at a similar time and from a similar starting point, both qualifying in NLP, hypnotherapy and coaching at the same training institute. Nikki was Laura's examiner for her practical exam.
Laura then moved into the somatic work of Systematic Kinesiology® and naturopathic nutrition. Nikki continu
Nikki Emerton and Laura Shipp's journeys began at a similar time and from a similar starting point, both qualifying in NLP, hypnotherapy and coaching at the same training institute. Nikki was Laura's examiner for her practical exam.
Laura then moved into the somatic work of Systematic Kinesiology® and naturopathic nutrition. Nikki continued to specialise in the mind-body connection and mindset, and more recently moving into training.
One thing both Nikki and Laura found was the need for both the major brains in the body (mind-brain and gut-brain) to be aligned as well as considering the entire energetic body and individual in order to achieve the health and happiness their clients yearned for.
After a period of cross referring regularly and sharing client success stories Nikki and Laura realised they needed to join forces formally. The Mind Body Gut Company was born.
We now work with a talented team of sub-educators and practitioners.
Nikki is a recovered perfectionist, a slightly introverted lover of running, the outdoors, wild swimming and good food - not all at the same time!
Nikki provides a tailored approach to help clients get from A to B. Usually, they are stuck, in a mindset rut, a behaviour rut or some other thing is holding them back from achieving their goals
Nikki is a recovered perfectionist, a slightly introverted lover of running, the outdoors, wild swimming and good food - not all at the same time!
Nikki provides a tailored approach to help clients get from A to B. Usually, they are stuck, in a mindset rut, a behaviour rut or some other thing is holding them back from achieving their goals.
Using a combination of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), hypnotherapy, Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and coaching, she helps clients learn how to change negative thoughts, feelings and behaviours.
Nikki is passionate about empowering her clients to be the best versions of themselves. To have the confidence to travel their own journey of their choosing. To rid themselves of baggage, physical or emotional, including stress, anxiety, depression and conditions such as chronic pain and fatigue. So clients trust themselves and their decisions, with confidence. Nikki specialises in the dark triads of behaviours, helping clients recover from toxic relationships to rebuild their lives and not get drawn back into that world.
You can learn more about Nikki by following the hyperlink below or book a discovery call here.
Laura is an ambivert, cat lover, keen gardener and cook. She is hugely passionate about seasonal, local and organic eating.
Laura provides her clients with an holistic approach to health and wellbeing by integrating Naturopathy, Nutritional Therapy, Gut & Psychology Syndrome (GAPS), SIBO Doctor, Systematic Kinesiology®, Metaphysical Anatom
Laura is an ambivert, cat lover, keen gardener and cook. She is hugely passionate about seasonal, local and organic eating.
Laura provides her clients with an holistic approach to health and wellbeing by integrating Naturopathy, Nutritional Therapy, Gut & Psychology Syndrome (GAPS), SIBO Doctor, Systematic Kinesiology®, Metaphysical Anatomy (MAT®), Clinical Hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT).
Laura is also an ICF trained coach, accredited mediator and psychometric test user. She takes a coaching approach throughout her practice and often weaves in mediation and psychometric techniques and instruments when needed.
The areas she typically works with include autoimmune conditions, women's health , mind and gut health, trauma and self-belief. She has a special interest in eating disorders and neurodiversity.
Laura's particular focus is on the mind-gut connection and how trauma is stored in the body resulting in chronic pain and ailments. She uses a number of techniques to support her clients in releasing trauma and restoring mind and gut balance.
You can learn more about Laura by following the hyperlink below.
Elaine and Laura are colleagues at the School of Health in their capacity as Clinical Teachers.
Elaine has joined us as a sub-educator initially on our Autumn programme where she will be guiding participants through Buteyko Breathing.
A serious stoke 10 years ago left Elaine unable to walk, talk or read properly, which necessitated the sal
Elaine and Laura are colleagues at the School of Health in their capacity as Clinical Teachers.
Elaine has joined us as a sub-educator initially on our Autumn programme where she will be guiding participants through Buteyko Breathing.
A serious stoke 10 years ago left Elaine unable to walk, talk or read properly, which necessitated the sale of her natural toiletries business.
In researching how to heal her brain she discovered neuroplasticity, how the brain rewires itself. She researched everything she could on the brain, and after a week-long gut programme at a health clinic, armed with information on the gut-brain axis, the gut microbiome, digestion and blood sugar balance, she enrolled on a Nutrition Advisor course. She also trained as a Reiki Master.
A year later she started taking online clients while studying Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy. Kinesiology was her next step, alongside a Naturopathy diploma (Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine, Unani / Greek Medicine, Homeopathy, Homotoxicology, Naturopathy, Iridology, Hydrotherapy, Oral Health / Dentistry) and Buteyko Clinical Breathing Instructor training.
Last year Elaine qualified as HomeoBotanical Therapist, Certified Iridologist, Hypnotherapist, and an OldPain2Go practitioner. This year she became the first practitioner to qualify in SPA.
She has a physical clinic in Buckinghamshire where consultations begin by taking a thorough history, then iridology to look at genetic predispositions / potential current issues, and kinesiology muscle response testing for foods, structural, chemical or emotional imbalances, and supplements. A personalised HomeoBotanical remedy is made up / dispensed for clients to take home for immediate use.
She will never stop learning and teaches at the School of Health and CUTAM College.
Teresa and Laura offer the Radiant Menopause Programme.
Teresa also contributed to our Winter Seasonal Programme and we hope much more in the future.
After studying Business and Finance at Bournemouth University and following different paths, including banqueting manager, auditor, and payments manager, she found herself working from home an
Teresa and Laura offer the Radiant Menopause Programme.
Teresa also contributed to our Winter Seasonal Programme and we hope much more in the future.
After studying Business and Finance at Bournemouth University and following different paths, including banqueting manager, auditor, and payments manager, she found herself working from home and single-handedly bringing up five children whilst her husband was away at sea.
It wasn’t until Teresa’s youngest started school that she found the time to really focus on fitness, nutrition, and wellbeing. This led her in a totally different, and unexpected direction. Finding life quite challenging, she started bootcamp sessions at the ripe age of 51. It made a huge difference to her body and confidence, but she felt there was still something missing.
She had been offered anti-depressants by her GP for low mood, inability to concentrate, aches, and pains, and a whole list of other symptoms. However, she knew this wasn’t the route she wanted to take. Following a lot of research and speaking to other ladies she requested HRT. Eventually her GP agreed – it was transformational. Teresa gained more clarity, her aches eased, but by further researching the prescribed medication she realised she did not want to take synthetic drugs so changed to body identical HRT.
After finding her balance on body identical HRT and a renewed zest for life she trained as a gym instructor, completed a sports nutrition qualification, and has become an HRT educator. She says she knows this would not have been possible without HRT. She now coaches some of the bootcamp sessions, and has never felt better or more invigorated.
She is passionate and motivated to help other ladies, who are struggling with peri and menopausal symptoms, to live their best lives for longer through exercise, great nutrition, and proper education.
She coaches her clients to really understand their bodies and empower them to make informed decisions to be strong, healthy, and happy.
Together we work together to support the two major 'brains'. We believe we are far more likely to achieve optimal health in mind and body and less likely to suffer from health issues by taking this approach.
The interdependent relationship of the mind and gut is a fascinating thing. The gut influences our mind just as much as our mind inf
Together we work together to support the two major 'brains'. We believe we are far more likely to achieve optimal health in mind and body and less likely to suffer from health issues by taking this approach.
The interdependent relationship of the mind and gut is a fascinating thing. The gut influences our mind just as much as our mind influences our gut. They really cannot be separated despite what conventional western medicine may at times have us believe.
Getting an upset stomach during times of stress is another example of the bidirectional link between our central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and our enteric nervous system (known as our second brain) via the vagus nerve.
The vagus nerve represents the main component of the parasympathetic nervous system which is responsible for a range of bodily functions including controlling our mood and digestion (rest and digest). Whereas the sympathetic nervous system is responsible for our fight or flight instinct. The enteric, parasympathetic and sympathetic systems together form our autonomic nervous system.
If we are sympathetic dominant (waiting to react) we will not fully rest our mind nor digest essential nutrients, such as, tryptophan. Tryptophan is an amino acid and the precursor for the happy hormone serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter which plays a significant role in emotions and happiness. A staggering 90% of serotonin is synthesised in the gut.
Being on constant alert doesn’t do much for our mood or mental wellbeing. Nor does having compromised gut flora. Compromised gut flora is increasingly being linked to psychological conditions, such as, depression, as well as physiological conditions including autoimmune disorders.
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